Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Crafty Veggie Blog Goes Flexie

I tend to go through phases in what I like to eat, and have spanned the gamut from Vegetarian (raised that way), Omnivore, back to Ovo-Lacto, dabbled in Pesc, and even for one hard-core month this year, Vegan (whooo baby, that was hard to get used to!). But I did it. I tried it all in an effort to find the best way to eat for my body type, and I had an open mind, having fun with food. During that time I even heard of people who were "Vegetarian, except for bacon"! LOL, which of course is absurd and yet sublime. So after fluttering around the garden for years, sipping from each bloom, I noted that I kept returning to one particular flower. Or maybe it's just that when I discovered the new wavey term for the way I was eating a few years ago, I happily e mbracedthe label: Flexitarian.

I had kept this blog strictly Veggie for a few years, letting it go fallow in the times where I was eating meat, or when I was just frankly not doing a lot of home cooking. But I've decided to make the blog work for me again, not the other way around. So I will now be posting a mixture of recipe notes, this time for the veg and the carn alike; and most importantly, for my fellow Flexies, who may need the occasional cooking inspiration as they are wandering the garden.

ways my friends. There you, go stick to your label. Unless you realize that labels are just that.
P.S. Some vegetarians/vegans have a problem with the word flexitarian. Most omnivores have never even heard of the term, so either couldn't care less, or are at least intrigued by the idea. I say it matters little either way as long as we're both happy with ourselves. Flexitarian is a label of convenience, just the same that Vegetarian is also merely a label, a foodie designation. It doesn't have to be a sacred mantra. Therefore I say if there must be a label, then this is what I proudly choose to label myself! Got a problem with it homies?

So to head off any veggie related scandal on the very personal way that I choose to label the way I nourish my body, I will say this:

If you insist that I call myself an omnivore, then you are simply an herbivore.
Semantics go both ways my friends.

But if
you realize that labels are just that...
Well then, take my hand, and let's go eat!

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